Adam Allan — Belief. Dangerous Fairytale.

Adam Allan
3 min readJan 18, 2021


The Pro Trump terrorist attack on the U.S. capitol was the result of fairytales.

Fairytale One : Trump REALLY won the election.

Fairytale Two : The “Deep State” (in cohorts with the Dems) manipulated the votes.

Fairytale Three : There was massive electoral fraud.

Fairytale Four : The “Deep State” operates a child sex ring out of pizza parlour.

Fairytale Five : The “Deep State” wants to take away our guns.

It was these fairytales -amped up by their(let me be kind) “mentally challenged” hero, that caused the deaths of five people and shocked the World.

Dangerous Fairytales. To be sure. Made even more so by their “respectable” name: BELIEF.

Belief is the ultimate fairytale. Because there are no proofs in Belief. No facts. Only fairytales and fantasies. Only those things unreal — that we must WISH to be real.

The Pro Trumpers — fervently oblivious to the obvious and proveable facts were/are infected by the Belief virus.

“The greatest sin against the Human mind is to believe things without evidence”

- Biologist Thomas Huxley -

Our greatest musical philosopher put it this way:

“A man sees what he wants to see and disregards the rest.”

- Paul Simon -

And nothing is more dangerous than discarding facts.

Because when there are no facts — there is no proof.

And when there is no proof. -THERE IS NO TRUTH.

And when there is no truth, you know what hits the fan. Don’t you?

If you’re not getting my drift by now…here’s the (gigantic) take away:


What is racism? It’s a BELIEF you’re superior to other Humans of color. Isn’t it?

Same for all the “isms.” Sexism,Elitism’Ageism, etc.

Not to mention homophobia and xhenophobia.

Belief is ego on steroids. Giving the “believer” the self-appointed “right” to discriminate against, and worst case scenario, kill those who are not down with your fairytale.

This has been the Religious M.O. for countless eons:

Crusades. “Holy” wars. Massacres up the yin yang.

Such as:

1. Charlemagne — the “holy” Roman Emperor decapitated 4000 saxons in one day to convince their leader they should come over to the Catholic side of the street. (BTW — He was convinced.)

2. The Hundred Years War. (Often referred to as the “Wars of Religion.” )A Century of England and France “terminating” each other with “extreme prejudice” for BELIEVING in the WRONG religion.

3. The “troubles” in Northern Ireland. 600 years of Catholics killing protestants. A grim reality that continues to this day — low key -as Catholic vigilantes continue to enforce “Holy” justice.

And what about you? What do you Believe? And, most importantly why?

And even more crucially: Why would you believe anything unsupported by facts?

I dive deep into the Belief Virus in my new book — Shock The Monkey.

(Download a FREE Chapter HERE.)

To reserve a FREE copy — shoot me a mail at:

with “Send it” in the subject line. And I’ll hook you up.

Enjoy. Learn. Advance.

Your fellow Human,

Adam Allan.

p.s. never forget: “We’re all in this together.”



Adam Allan

Adam Allan, BSA,serial tree hugger, truth based optimist,is the author of Shock The Monkey — a road map to Authentic Awareness.