The Myth of Self-Awareness

Adam Allan
4 min readJan 15, 2021


The confluence of Championism, Ego, Acquired Insecurity and Technology have combined to create a tsumami of Narcissism. But for once, Technology is not the bad guy.

Technology didn’t birth selfies, memes and videos. It simply provided an opportunity for the trival to “go viral.” But, then the trivial has always been with us. Has it not? Gossip magazines; Heresay. Rumor. Innuendo. Toilet “humor.’’ Board Games. (Hint: “Trival Pursuit.”)

But Technology is definitely the villian that’s propelled the “self-developement/awareness” virus (SDA) to warp speed.

“Back in the day” — before the internet was even a twinkle in the eye of Tim Berners-Lee, SDA was known as the “Human potential movement.” And it had, as we do today, it’s “gurus.”

Jiddi Krishnamurti

One of the most prominent being an Indian Gentlemen by the name of Krishamurti. Today, we would label him an “influencer.” As his discourses and dialogues(where he referred to himself in the third person as “The Speaker”) did, in fact , have Worldwide influence.

In his early years, Krishnamutri was being ‘’groomed’’ by a navel-gazing society of lotus eaters to become a ‘’World Teacher.’’ (Guru, by any other name) Finally, not down with this program, he told his ‘’programmers’’ to take a long walk on a short pier, and Krishnamurti jumped into the waters of “freelance Guru-dom.’’

Of the many comments he made concerning life, consciousness, awareness, this one is especially relevant for those who’s ego fix depends on their number of internet “followers”: “The moment you follow someone, you cease to follow truth.”

In Krishnamurti’s era, there were relatively few Human potential gurus. Now, as you’re no doubt aware, they’re all over the Internet like ants at a picnic. ‘’Life Coaches.” ‘’Motivational Speakers.’’ ‘’Trainers.’’ Etc.

“They’re gonna teach you how to mediatate — read your horoscope and cheat your fate…and furthermore to hell with hate…….and they don’t give a……na, na, na, etc.”

Joe South — The Games People Play

But it’s not just the names that have changed. Their “M.O.’’ — courtesy of Technology — has exchanged dialogue (as exemplified by Krishnamurti) for dictation. The “teacher” instructs his ‘’pupils’’ (through email,podcasts,videos,courses,dvd’s) which allows him/her/it, to control the dialogue.

Regardless of their particular style and language, all the ‘’Happiness Vendors’’ are still preaching the basic Human Potential gospel: You can be more. You can be better. You can develop. And, hey, gosh, darn it — you deserve it!

Bottom Line: You can achieve self-awareness!

Sounds great, doesn’t it? But before you say: ‘’Sign me up.’’ Consider ‘’who” is your present ‘’self?” What are “you” composed of? Is ‘’you’’ not a pot purri of beliefs,attitudes and ideas?

And where did all those ‘’ingredients’’ of you come from? You know the answer. Do you not?

That’s right. They came from Society. From Societies programming. From your Parents. Your Teachers. Your Religion.Your Government. From every article you’ve ever read.

From every TV show/movie/theatre presentation you’ve seen. From every music you’ve ever heard. From every Life experience. From every Joy. From every heartbreak.

This is your present “self.’’ Therefore, wanting to increase your “awareness’’ of this self, without new knowledge/understanding is a doomed exercise. Is it not?

Because this “self” is built on a foundation of fairytales! Cemented by a lifetime of Societal programming.

You can improve your strength by building up your muscles. You can improve your health by losing or gaining weight. You improve your eyesight with exercises.

What you CAN’T improve or change are your acquired beliefs and attitudes. Regardless of how strong your desire.

“They” are “You.” And no amount of “wanting to” is going to improve/develop/change “You.”

Any conscious attempt to change attitudes and behaviour is just and will remain only that. An attempt. Artifical. Superficial. Synthetic. Totally in-authentic.

Intellectual masturbation. A phony “feel good”( with no heart connection.) That develops/improves/changes NOTHING.

To truly increase your awareness, you must come to a NEW UNDERSTANDING of your “self.”

Which means abandoning your present Fairytale filled ‘’self” and embracing your AUTHENTIC SELF. Your ‘’Inner Artist.’’ The calm, creative, spontaneous, joyous core of your being.

It’s still there. Buried under layers of Fairytales. Gasping for breath. Struggling for existence. You want ‘’self-awareness?” You want to REALLY ‘’know’’ your ‘’self?’’

Then your challenge is to excavate that Inner Artist and re-connect with your Authenticity.

Knowning, and acting intuitively from your Authentic self is the only true ‘’self-awareness.’’

There’s no ‘’work-around.’’ No short cut. No ‘’magic bullet. “

Bottom line : You can’t get there from here.

But you can get a free chapter from my new book — by going here. (no optin /no free gift/no B.S.)



Adam Allan

Adam Allan, BSA,serial tree hugger, truth based optimist,is the author of Shock The Monkey — a road map to Authentic Awareness.